Healthy Ramadan Tips!
March 16, 2023Ramadan is generally associated with self-control and self-discipline. However, overindulging in iftar and suhoor can result in adverse effects on your hearlth. Keeping these simple tips in mind will help you OWN it this Ramadan!
1 – Eat the right foods for Suhoor
This should be a wholesome meal providing you with enough energy to get through the day until iftar. Include complex carbs, fruits, vegetable and legumes. Also include unsaturated fats such as nuts, olive oil and avocado.
2- Breaking your fast
Replenish your energy levels by eating dates to break your fast as they are an excellent source of fiber and contain natural sugar that will help balance low blood sugar and refuel the body with much needed energy.
3- Stay hydrated
It’s important to drink plenty of water between iftar and suhoor to replace fluids you lose during the day. Also avoid coffee, tea and sodas with high caffeine as they can cause dehydration.