Does sports nutrition enhance performance?
September 28, 2022The link between good health and good nutrition is well established! Sports nutrition, such as bars, drinks, meals or gels, are foods specifically designed and packaged to provide energy and nutrients to a working body. Sport foods are usually enhanced with protein and/or energy boosting nutrients.
Whether you are a competing athlete, a weekend sports player or a dedicated daily exerciser, the foundation to improved performance is a nutritionally adequate diet. But do we actually need sports nutrition to support our performance?
The short answer is YES! Sports nutrition are not only high in nutrients and vitamins but they are also convenient to consume when you’re on-the-go.
Because the amount of protein recommended for sporting people is higher than that recommended for the general public, a well-planned diet can meet your vitamin and protein needs but sports nutrition can be beneficial if your diet is inadequate, if you have a vitamin deficiency or if you just don’t have the time to prepare and consume meals regularly. Protein is an important part of a training diet and plays a key role in post-exercise recovery and repair. For athletes interested in building muscle, the consumption of a high-quality protein source such as whey protein, can be beneficial.
The OWN Protein Chunks contain 20g of protein and can have a great impact on your performance when consumed in close proximity to your exercise!
A well-balanced diet that provides sufficient energy and nutrients can still meet the demands of training and exercise. Athletes who train for more than 60-90 minutes on daily basis may need to increase the amount of energy they consume. This can be achieved particularly from carbohydrate sources, with the preference for fats coming from olive oils, avocado, nuts and seeds. An OWN Fruit and Nuts Bar can come in handy here, as it contains energy boosting nutrients, such as nuts and oats, that can help enhance your performance significantly when consumed before a work-out!
The bottom line is, sports nutrition can enhance your performance provided they are consumed alongside a well-balanced diet. Sports foods should fill the gap in your diet when protein and energy needs are not met. Otherwise, a well-planned, nutritious diet should meet most of an athlete’s vitamin and mineral needs, and provide enough protein to promote muscle growth and repair.