5 Reasons you stopped losing weight
March 23, 2022It’s extremely frustrating when you commit to eating healthy and working-out regularly and you don’t see results and are not losing weight. Here are five reasons why this might be happening:
Your metabolism adapted to your new weight:
You lose weight, your metabolism slows down. Your body burns fewer calories than it did at your previous weight. This means that your calorie deficit may not be low enough for your body to keep losing weight. You must further reduce your calorie intake in order to start losing weight again. Be sure to consume high-protein foods with lots fibre and a smaller amount of complex carbs.
Muscle growth:
If you’re exercising regularly while you’re dieting, you will notice changes in your body but not necessarily on your scale. Whether cardio or weight-training, your body will lose fat through regular exercise. But muscle weighs 10% more than fats because they’re denser and composed of 80% water. So don’t worry when you’re not losing weight or even if you’re gaining some weight, as long as you’re maintaining that healthy lifestyle, keep going and those results will come.
You’re on the wrong training routine:
Exercise and healthy-eating go hand in hand when it comes to weight-loss. But remember, work-outs need to be adapted to our objectives. Overly intense activities, heavy weights, and irregular sessions may not produce long term results. Regular exercise, well-chosen workouts at a moderate intensity, and variations in your exercise program will ensure that your weight loss does not plateau.
Stress hormones:
When you don’t give your body enough recovery time, it starts producing stress hormones. This leads to symptoms, such as fatigue and lack of energy. Cortisol, a stress hormone, in particular, prevents sugar and fat from being transported to and burned by your muscles, and, as a result, the nutrients you do consume end up being transported to fat cells. So don’t forget to keeping check in with yourself often.
High-calorie intake:
You may be eating more calories than you realise. This could be because sometimes we overestimate the number of calories we burn during a work-out or we are not eating the right foods. You need to be eating 300 to 500 fewer calories a day to guarantee results.
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So, don’t give up! Keep working to best of your abilities and the result will follow. Adapt to your new goals constantly, but also make sure to give yourself enough time to recover, to rest and to take pride in what you’ve achieved.
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